by step

After return

Submission of documents from the study abroad within the ERASMUS+ programme is a necessary condition for the successful completion of your mobility within the programme. Templates of the documents that will be discussed here can be found on the website in the Documents and terms section.

You must complete the Confirmation of Erasmus+ study period (CoSP) during your stay abroad and it must be confirmed by the relevant foreign department of partner university at the end of the mobility. The study period entered in this confirmation must match the period in concluded Participation Agreement. If a shorter stay is documented, you will have to reimburse the relevant grant amount.

You must submit the original of this confirmation to the International Office of the CTU Rector’s Office (8th floor) no later than 10 days after the end of the mobility end date specified in the participation agreement.

If the Confirmation of Study Period is issued only in online version, please send it to

The Transcript of Records (ToR, confirmation of completion of courses) will be issued to you by the foreign university. If the university does not issuee you its own transcript, you can use this template. Upload the document to the card at If the foreign university is not able to issue the ToR within 14 days after the end of your stay, it is necessary to inform the International Office of the CTU Rector’s Office.

Proof that CTU has recognized the subjects you have confirmed at Transcript of Records. Remember that LA must match ToR.

You should write a report on your stay abroad within 14 days after the end of your stay. Students who will study abroad in the coming years and our International Office will be able to draw on your experience.

It is necessary to fill in two reports from the stay:

Each student will receive username and password for filling in the Czech report to their e-mail (listed as the student’s primary in the card). A new electronic form for study abroad reports is available at .

EU Survey
It is a report in English on the European Commission’s website. Instructions for filling in the report (username and password) will be sent to each of the participants of the mobility on the day of the official end of the stay to their e-mail address listed as the primary in the student card in the database (email will come from replies-will-be and often falls into spam, look for it). If you can’t manage the 14-day period, because you don’t have the ToR yet, it doesn’t matter, try to fill in at least that part of the report without the recognition report.


If you do not meet or submit the documents below, it is very likely that you will have to return the grant money. It is really important to think about the formalities below and not to spoil the impression of your great study experience.

You must submit, within the agreed deadlines or after agreement with the International Office – Transcript of Records, confirmation of the bachelor/master/dissertation thesis and other documents.

Courses in the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records must match.

Confirmed study period and the period specified in the grant agreement must match.
Study abroad reports must be filled out.

You must prove that minimum number of approved credits for studying abroad has been recognized at least by the vice-dean.

If you’re working on your bachelor’s or master’s thesis, check out the terms and conditions here.