Go on
PhD mobility
with CTU

The offer is the same as for a regular Erasmus+ mobility, which you will find here. For NBA mobility, information is here. If you want to conduct your research at a university with which we do not have a bilateral agreement, it will be necessary to sign at least a mobility agreement. You can apply for the ERASMUS+ programme at any time during the year, there is no need to participate in the selection process. For more information contact your faculty coordinator.

  • A chance to enrich your dissertation with an international dimension
  • Financial conditions are the same as the conditions for mobility of bachelor and master students
  • You do not have to stick to announced rounds and deadlines/semesters

PhD mobility will give you the opportunity to work on your dissertation at a foreign university. The conditions and scholarship are no different from a regular mobility, you just don’t have to stick to dates and semester.

to apply for
PhD mobility

And now you will find out what to expect in the Step by Step section.

Get inspired
by experience
of others

Take a look at the reports of students
who already went abroad with Erasmus.