The most important
1. Tuition fees
Hip, hip, hooray, tuition fees are not paid!
2. Grant
Upon departure, a grant will be awarded to you. The grant is intended to partially cover travel and subsistence costs, as well as insurance. The grant is meant as contribution to the increased cost of living abroad, so a certain financial participation of the student is assumed. The amount of the grant per month is fixed.
3. Grant amount
Varies by country – monthly fee can be found here. The programme countries Switzerland and the UK have a monthly fee of EUR 600.
For short-term mobility of 5-30 days, the grant is EUR 70/day until day 14 and EUR 50/day from day 15-30.
Students’ experience with the grant use can be found in the NAEP database and CTU statistics here (bear in mind that these statistics are only indicative due to small number of participants in some countries and the fact that each student administers the money differently).
1. Visa
If there is any excessively high cost for your visa due to travel (e.g. UK), which cannot be covered by the grant, it is possible to apply for a special contribution. Applications will be assessed individually and on the basis of the CTU funds availability. Keep all payment receipts – they will be needed for the application. For more information contact the foreign department of RCTU.
2. Social
Support for participants with physical, mental, or health disadvantages
The budget is intended to increase the living costs for participants with limited opportunities to cover additional financial support based on actual costs. E.g. special housing, preparatory visits, accompanying persons, adapted learning materials, for specific foods e.g. for coeliacs, etc. can be used.
A prerequisite for the assignment of a special scholarship is that the basic conditions for student mobility are met - the student has been selected in the selection procedure for the academic year and has a study contract with the receiving institution.
A sample application form for a special scholarship can be downloaded here. The participant completes Part B of the application - minimum requirements and provides evidence of:
- Medical report
- A copy of the Disability ID card (if the participant has one)
- Signed study agreement for the study placement/internship (LA)
- Acceptance letter from the receiving institution confirming acceptance and understanding of the student's medical condition. The application is submitted on a form in which the student provides a detailed calculation of the scholarship requested.
The completed application is handed in with the supporting documents at the signing of the participation contract.
Upon return, the student provides the receipts/invoices (address of the entity, amount, currency, and date).
Support for students from disadvantaged socio-economically background.
Amount of 200 EUR/month to the basic lump sum grant. The condition for granting the contribution is based on §91 paragraph 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. about universities. The contribution can be awarded on the basis of an application, which will be accompanied by proof that the student meets the conditions in law (for example, confirmation from the faculty that the student was awarded a social scholarship at the faculty can be provided). The application and proof of fulfillment of the condition must be delivered to our office at the International Office of CTU Rector’s Office no later than 3 weeks before the signing of the grant agreement. More information here.
Participants with another additional handicap
This category includes working students, professional athletes, students in specific programs, and others at the school's discretion. They are dealt with by short-term combined mobility. For more information see the methodological instruction.
Psychological counselling
- COSTABEX project - Mental health support for Erasmus+ students
- Centre for Information and Counselling Services at CTU (CIPS), Psychological counselling
- ELSA Support Centre for Students with Special Needs at CTU