Here you will find the most frequent documents that may be useful to you when completing the mobility formalities. Believe it or not but little paperwork is worth the experience.
Documents for Erasmus
Before your departure to abroad:
- Student application form – if the university does not send you its own form, you can find an example of the form here
- Comparison spreadsheet – CTU requires it and it precedes LA. The amount of credits for courses studied at a foreign university should match the amount of credits for Czech equivalents.
- Learning Agreement (LA) newly launched ONLINE (!) via application
- If a foreign university temporarily requires a hard copy, then you can use the documents here:
Learning agreement – hard copy
Filled out template to download here - Learning agreement during moblity – to download it can be found in your student card in the Mobility app
Grant agreement (TEMPLATE only)
Before your departure from abroad:
After your arrival to CZE:
- Recognition of Foreign Study
- Confirmation of external supervisor – PhD students / students who worked on bachelor and master thesis
Documents for Non-EU Countries
Before your departure to abroad:
- Study plan (for making grant agreement) – Bachelor + Master students + students who will work on bachelor and master thesis
- Supervisor’s consent on mobility – for PhD students
Before your departure from abroad:
After your arrival to CZE:
- Recognition of Foreign Study – Students who worked on bachelor and master thesis
- Confirmation of external supervisor – PhD students / students who worked on bachelor and master thesis
- Recognition of Foreign Study – PhD students
General documents
The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities and is a prerequisite for all higher education institutions willing to apply and participate in Erasmus+ activities. The participation is subject to the approval of the so-called Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS).
Possibility of travel insurance via ERV – Travel insurance, Certificate