Do you want to try studying abroad? Are you thinking about leaving in the academic year 2024/25?

Then you have a unique opportunity to apply!

The selection process for the study trip with Erasmus+ will take place from November 1 to December 5, 2023 via the MOBILITY application.

Do you need to look around first and think about where you actually want to travel? Check out our social networks: Facebook and Instagram.

Everything you need to know about trips abroad can be found in the section: Step by step – Erasmus+

Faculty coordinators for Erasmus+ are available:

Are you tempted by studying abroad as part of the Erasmus+ program, but you’re still not sure if you can handle it? Are you interested in specific countries or do you have a specific question about your stay/studies that you don’t know the answer to?

Come to the Erasmus Days at CTU!

Our ambassadors will guide you through their experiences, and they will certainly share useful tips to help you make your decision.

Erasmus Days will take place on October 13, 2023, from 9:00 to 12:00 in lecture hall B286 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Thákurova 7, Prague 6).

If you are a student or a doctorand, you can apply throughout the year. Application rounds are added gradually. Just make sure you apply well in advance (at least 1-2 months) before the start of your planned traineeship.

FOR STUDENTS AND DOCTORANDS – 7th round – until 30.06.2024 – until 23:59 (for traineeships starting no sooner than 02.09.2024 and ending no later than 20.12.2024, or individual arrangement of the traineeship date is possible).

Dates for future graduates are announced according to the state final exams/defences, i.e. only twice a year (in January and May/optionally August).

FOR FUTURE GRADUATES – 6th round – until 31.05.2024 – until 23:59 (for traineeships starting no sooner than 02.09.2024 and ending no later than 31.05.2025). Graduates who finish their studies in June-September 2024 can apply in this round. The date can be extended individually, depending on the date of your state exams/thesis defenses. In any case, you must apply and be approved by your vice-dean for pedagogical activities before graduating at CTU!

Call for applications will be open from November 1 to December 5.

More information can be found here.

3rd round of the selection process for non-EU countries and Erasmus (from 28.5.2021) is starting 3.5.2021. There will be universities that were not filled yet. The offer is for departures in summer semester 2022.

Universities will be allocated according to the rule: “First come first served”.

More information